With Kang out, Who will be the New big bad Villain?

Image source – http://tinyurl.com/3nt7ztsc

Jonathan Majors, who once played the role as the villain Kang in the MCU, was found guilty by a jury of assaulting his now x-girlfriend. These appalling act’s lead to the result of Majors getting fired from Marvel Studios the very day he was found guilty. This left us with many questions one of witch include who will be the new big bad villain in the MCU? This big question is being speculated among many fans including me. The most suspected marvel villain to take his place is Doctor Doom, fans see this as the most likely option.

So how are they going to get rid of Kang?

Ideas include that as Loki became the new keeper of the multiverse, as a result eliminated the threats of Kang variants, and the TVA will try and contain any other remaining variants. Another includes that In Deadpool 3, Deadpool and wolverine will go around killing kang variants obviously not all of them but some, to me this seems unlikely. Regardless of all these speculations there are reports that conflict this, suggesting that Kang will be bought back as Marvel Comics Beyonder. For those wondering how this is, well to give you one answer is that In Antman and the Wasp Quantomania, Antman defeated kang by destroying his Multiversal engine in witch Kang was sucked up in the energy source supposably dying, reports suggest that he survived and somehow became the Beyonder. The problem with this that the Beyoder will have to be written very carefully, considering how powerful he is in the comics. Personally I much prefer them replacing him with Doctor Doom.

Image source – http://tinyurl.com/46ktwnfe

Also a recent image of the fantastic 4 was released suggesting and maybe confirmed (not entirely sure if it has) that it will be set in the 1960s witch means if Doctor Doom played the antagonist in this like he did before in fantastic 4 movies. Then to be in the Avengers Secret War’s Movie, he will have to jump forward in time. There are also some speculations’ that it isn’t actually going to be set in the 1960’s and that instead it will have the fantastic 4 somehow go to that time from the present. If the film is set in the 1960’s then I don’t think it should, they should just keep in the more present mcu timeline.

Image Source – http://tinyurl.com/yckatyen

Where, and How can Doctor Doom show up and be introduced?

Marvel actually missed a chance to introduce him in Black Panther Wakanda forever as in the comics Doctor Doom invades wakanda stealing their vibranium to make him self stronger as a result in the comics he becomes much more powerful. In Black Pnather Wakanda forever Doctor Doom was actually supposed to be the secret person behind the expedition that was searching for the underwater Vibranium , and the person who was shown in the movie to be behind the screens of it was supposed to be a character called Lucius Von vardo who works for Doctor Doom. So you can tell that was a missed opportunity, although this was missed this comic incorporation may still work in a Black Panther 3 movie that will focus around Tchala’s son

Going back to Kang being replaced after Majors acts, was this supposed to happen in the first place as the first appearance of Kang in Antman and the Wasp Quantomania wasn’t received well as many weren’t a fan of how they showed him including me, of course this is the same with Loki not as many but some were negative to his part in this as well. My personal viewing answer is that marvel were saying that he was very powerful and a big deal but not showing, it was disappointing as they did this with Thanos, so why not do it with Kang?

Marvel has already been psyching up Doctor Doom in Deadpool 3 at the end of the trailer were we saw a comic of secret wars with Doctor Doom on the front cover. From this Easter egg I think it’s going to become safe to say that this awesome character from the comics will be introduced as the MCU’s New Big bad antagonist.

(My Spiderman 4, Dare Devil Born Again post will be coming very soon.)

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