Bob Iger Cancels Disney Plus Shows and Movies

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Bob Iger recently announced that he cancelled some Disney plus shows and movies, including a number of marvel movies and shows as well as Star Wars. The reason being is because Bob Iger noticed how Disney was releasing so much new content resulting in lack of quality and low box office. Bob Iger has decided to get rid of all the weaker shows and movies, so they can output more of the stronger franchises. Bob Iger actually said that he watched the more achieved movies again and again to see what made them lead to it’s success. So he can put that into the upcoming marvel movies. As so it’s fair to say he is trying very hard to restore quality.

What Marvel Shows and Movies are being cancelled?

One of witch include Eternals 2, a highly anticipated film after the end credits of the first movie. Meaning one of the things that Marvel will have to do is pick up of Eternals in another MCU movie. There’s also been speculation that the loved upcoming reboot of Blade has been cancelled, this has made fans upset and somewhat confused. Upset because so many fans were looking forward to watching this amazing movie. Confused because Iger announced that they made a tough choice by taking out the less stronger movies and shows. But Blade is considered a strong character in popularity and in the strength of the franchise, leading fans to report negatively about it.

Vison Quest, Armour Wars and Others

So as well as Eternals 2 and Blade, it’s also been speculated that the show armour wars, Iron Heart, Vison quest and a few others have been cancelled as well. In one of my previous posts were I talked about marvel wanting to focus more on movies can tie in with a lot of these cancelled shows. This is because people have speculated that shows being made such as Vision quest were going to be made into movies. This includes Armour Wars, Vision quest and a suspected show featuring Scarlet Witches son Billy. However Bob Iger’s announcement can easily conflict with these as he said not only shows but movies will be cancelled as well. Meaning their plans to make these into movies could very well be knocked of the wall.

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There seems to be a dilemma at Marvel. On one hand, they are planning to focus more on making movies. On the other hand, they are cancelling some movies and shows. For instance, Scarlet Witch’s son is not a strong enough character to base a movie on, and the same goes for Vision and potentially Rhodey (War Machine) in Armour Wars. While Marvel wants to turn more shows into movies, it may not be entirely positive. As weaker characters may be prioritized for movies, it might not be what Bob Iger, the CEO, had in mind when he made the announcement. This is one of the reasons why he cancelled these shows. Of course these cancelations are all based on logic and speculations, but we do know that there will defiantly be some as it as been confirmed by Bob Iger.