Captain America Brave New World get’s bad Test Screening reactions

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We have a mix of news regarding “Captain America: Brave New World”. Recent reports from an online source called “Oh How I Marvel at Those Marvels” suggest negative developments. Unfortunately, the screen testing for the film received disappointing results. According to a thread they shared, audiences expressed dissatisfaction with both the action scenes and the chemistry between Captain America and his love interest. But, they stated that the biggest issue was how audience responded to the political side of the film. Audiences found it boring and that it slowed down the film.

What this means? – Good side and Bad side.

Re-shoots and re-writes, two words that simply sum up how Marvel will deal with the situation. This is partly good as it shows Marvel is trying their best to make this film the best it can be. However, after all the re-shoots and re-writes that have already undergone, it questions the production quality and writing of the film. Meaning how many times do Marvel have to re-write and re-shoot the film before it’s to stranded? All this information suggests there will be big changes to the story and scenes. Hopefully Marvel figures out a way to sort this movie out before it gets delayed. Which’ll then result in delay of future MCU movies.