My thoughts on Ashoka.

My thoughts on Ashoka so far.

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At first I thought that Ashoka was very stiff, meaning the character was showing but not that good in my opinion. I thought from episode 3 and onwards the episodes were getting better. However I still feel like Ashoka is still stiff. I preferred the Young Ashoka much better than the older one in terms of actor choice and character.

I have reached episode 5 in Ashoka, so far this was my favourite episode because Anakin and Ashoka fought each other which you’ll probably agree if you’ve seen it was awesome.

I like how when young Ashoka sees his silhouette flicker from Anakin and his blue lightsaber to Darth Vader and his red lightsaber.

Here are some videos of the fight.

Young Ahsoka Sees Anakin Turns into Darth Vader Siege of Mandalore Live Action Episode 5

Ahsoka Defeats Darth Vader And Turns Him Back into Anakin Skywalker Episode 5