Deadpool And Wolverine Big News! Less Cameos and New Movie Details!

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We have some big news on Deadpool and Wolverine, including the movie having fewer cameos than said. I know some people may be disappointed about this, but it actually makes the movie better. The reason is because at first Marvel said the movie will bring back all the original X-Men cast. But, to many cameos can make it feel like less of it’s own movie, meaning this decision is better because it is makes it more of its own movie. Also, Alex Perez from the Cosmic Circus, a reliable insider. – Stated that “from what I’ve heard the story flows better for the overall Multiverse Saga, leading to Secret Wars”. He then stated – “but, it’s not going to be this Endgame level Cameo Bonaza people are expecting this to be. It’s more like No Way Home”.

When I read this, I actually felt glad. If the decision enhances the story flow better for the Multiverse Saga leading to Secret Wars. – Then I’m all for it. This indicates that this decision genuinely enhances the quality and story of Deadpool 3. – Not to mention the entire MCU. I’m also pleased to hear this because Spider-Man Now Way Home’s level of cameos is a good amount. It also means it’ll still be amazing much like the cameos were in No Way Home.

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Deadpool and Wolverine: Big Exiting Details

Marvel recently released news about Deadpool, revealing details about the movie and Deadpool’s suit. Marvel announced an exciting detail about Deadpool’s swords: he will wield Adamantium Swords and wear a better-protected suit. This makes his fight with Wolverine more fair, as his original swords wouldn’t inflict as much damage as the Adamantium ones. We also learned about story changes during the strike. Originally, most of the story was set to occur in the original X-Men timeline. After learning about the reduction of cameo appearances and the movie mostly taking place in the void, this change makes sense. The movie will also set up Secret Wars, configuring the Void as a version of Battle World, which the Loki series already hinted at.