How Powerful Is ATOM EVE

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Atom Eve (Samantha Eve Wilkins) is a fictional character from Invincible, she’s in the amazingly written comic books tv series. I have wanted to look into how powerful she is for a long time. I’m mainly going to focus on the Tv show version and how powerful she is in that.

– Her abilities?

Atom Eve better know as Eve has extraordinary power that includes atomic manipulation, matter manipulation on a subatomic level, so she can rearrange and alter the molecular composition of any object she chooses. she can also manipulate energy and create objects from nothing.

-So what do these powers allow her to do and what is her best feat?

– Create any weapon she wishes

– Manipulate living things on a molecular level.

– Flight

– Re constructing nearly anything.

– Telekinesis (By using her matter manipulation powers she is able to propel levitate and multiplate objects and matter with just the energy of her thoughts).


Now for her best feat is in the Atom eve special episode of invincible were she defied Steven Ericson the leader of the government agency that kept her mother for an experiment to even remember who she is she not only did this to just him, but the scientist who helped him and she did it to them both all at once. That is for sure her best feat yet in the series.

Power scaling her now

So some sources say that she is large building level+ or island level+ for her attack potency, but If you think about what her power is able to reach then she scales to a reality re writing level witch she is capable of because of her powers. So am I wrong or can this be counted as an infinite attack potency and level as she has the ability to re write reality witch if she wanted to then she could cause universal destruction. I understand if some people think I’m talking BS but I’m just critically thinking about this, I’m not just going to give her a level like country level+ and say end of, no I’m exploring what level she can reach. As there isn’t really a right way to go about this.