Big News, according to the insider MyTimeToShineHello Chris Evans has singed a contract to return in Avengers Secret Wars. Various other Insiders have been reporting the same thing, so this is gaining traction fast. Now, this has been reported before but with no mention of specifically Secret Wars. Back in 2021, Deadline reported on Chris…Read more
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Deadpool and Wolverine – Post Credit Scene Confirmed
We have some big news on Deadpool and Wolverine, including a post credit scene confirmed to be mind blowing by creator Rob Liefeld. To start, we had a report very recently coming in from the insider MyTime ToShineHellow. Who stated the following – “OMG this is too good. I’m not going to ruin this but…Read more
X-Men 97 Episode 7: References and Ending Explained
X-Men 97 Episode 7 dropped on Disney yesterday, I’ll be explaining the ending and breaking down the Episode. A lot of Easter eggs to spot throughout, references and connections to future Episodes. The biggest moment that unfolds in the Episode is when we find out that Bastion was behind everything. Planning to make loads of…Read more
Deadpool And Wolverine Official Trailer Missed Details
Two days ago, Marvel released the official Deadpool and Wolverine trailer, I’ll breakdown exiting overlooked details. Such as Easter eggs, hidden details, and insights into Cassandra Nova’s character. Looking deeper into hinted aspects of the narrative. While also exploring connections to Secret Wars, Kang, and the big multiverse event. – Image Credit Marvel 1. Missed Detail…Read more
Deadpool And Wolverine Official Trailer: Breakdown
Marvel just dropped the New and Official trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine, and it was Awesome. A lot of things to talk about, including explaining various details in the trailer, easter eggs, references. For starters, this trailer was focusing on Wolverine, much like the first focused on Deadpool. But, this trailer also brang you a…Read more
Blade and Midnight Sons – Big News and Tie Ins With Each other
Blade and Midnight Sons Image source – We have some big news regarding Blade and Midnight Sons, including tying into each other. For starters, we have a report coming in from the insider Daniel RPK that Blade will take place in the present day. Originally the movie was supposed to take place in the…Read more
Spider-Man 4 Big News! – Sydney Sweeney as Black Cat
Image source – Excited to share some major news about Spider-Man 4, including Sydney Sweeney’s role as Black Cat. This character becomes Spider-Man’s new love interest, with MJ not remembering Peter. Firstly, a report from My Time To Shine Hello reveals discussions between Sydney Sweeney and Kevin Fige about her potential entry into the…Read more
X-Men 97 Episode 6 Apocalypse returns – Hints to his return
X-Men 97 Episode 6 Apocalypse returns. Yesterday, Disney released X-Men 97 Episode 6, revealing that Mr. Sinister orchestrated the Genosha attack. However, judging by Apocalypse’s appearances in the two intros, it seems the show is increasingly suggesting his return. The intro repeated a scene from the previous one, showing Cable engaged in combat with Apocalypse. This…Read more
X-Men 97 Episode 6 Breakdown, Charles Returns
X-Men 97 Episode 6 dropped on Disney today, delivering of excitement with references, and an exiting plot. Yet another thrilling episode, packed with amazing action and captivating storytelling. Image source – Let’s start with Charles returning, looking alive and well, about to marry Lilandra at the beginning of the episode. Just to refresh your…Read more
Marvel lay’s of Employees, cancellation of Even more projects
Image source – Marvel recently lays off Marvel employees, including Junior level production and development workers. The reason why is largely linked to Bob Iger reducing the quantity/volume of Marvel movies and shows. Since then, there isn’t a need for the amount of production and development Employee they have. In the past, Bob Iger…Read more