How Powerful is Iron Man

Iron man already starts off powerful and ends as an even more powerful hero. Now up there in the big guns of the MCU heroes for example Thor, hulk, Wonder, doctor strange, Captain marvel, and captain America. I think Iron deserves a place up there as countless times he has proven he is a big gun, firstly he took on a rage consumed hulk by him and I guess you could say he won if you’ve seen Age of ultron. Secondly his intelligence allows him to have access to technology that is capable of taking on any one of the avengers for example he took on hulk with the Hulk Buster, took on Aldarich killian just using his creations to his advantage.

Now in terms of how he fairs of in a fight and how I think that puts him up there with the big guns. I think he is extremely powerful in this term, the main reason why is because he went one on one with Thanos the mad Titan himself. Now this is no joke, Thanos had 4 infinity stones, power, reality, space, and soul, some of the most powerful things in the multiverse, the infinity stones all together are able to wipe out half of the universe and even just one of them is on a planetary level of destruction. And iron man faced against thanos using four of these using his most powerfullest suit yet, the nano tech suit that went against the power of the stones, although he lost he still put up a better fight than most heroes . and you have to remember he wasn’t only fighting the power of the stones he was fighting thanos who is stronger than the hulk and is one of the most feared villains in the whole of the marvel universe.

After all that I’m sure you could agree he deserves a place up there with all the big guns.

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Watch this video and I’m sure you will agree.