Invincible Season 2 Episode 7 Breakdown: Anissa’s Appearance and Invincible Vs Conquest Teaser

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Invincible season 2 episode 7 dropped on Amazon today. Mainly picking up from the previous episode. It featured everyone dealing with their own stuff, for example Rex dealing with his near death. But, it mainly seed invincible struggling to be a good Boyfriend, college student all whilst trying to be a superhero.

In this episode, we are introduced to Anissa, a viltumite warrior. Annisa arrives on Earth with a mission to persuade Invincible to surrender Earth to the Viltrumites. Despite giving compelling arguments for Viltrumite intervention to aid earth, Mark stated why humanity shouldn’t surrender. We witnessed Anissa’s violent nature when she threatened Ambers life as she was seconds away from crushing her throat. Afterwards, Mark and Anissa had the conversation I mentioned earlier. Witch ended up in a fight between them, with Invincible getting destroyed by her. However, he still resits to give up earth despite Anissa continuing to destroy him.

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Invincible Vs Conquest Teaser

When Anissa tells Invincible that if he doesn’t complete his task then another will come and killing him will be his task. In this, she is talking about Conquest, one of the top strongest Viltrumites. So Mark will eventually have to fight Conquest. This means Marks going to have to step up, meaning devoting practically all of his time training to become stronger for what’s to come.

At the end of the episode Armstrong Levy lures in Invincible by calling him from his Moms phone. The episode then ended with a post credits of Allan the Alien encountering the Viltrumite ship Anissa is on. He then fights Anissa, not getting much phased by her punches. In witch, he realises how powerful his upgrade/power up made him. Allan actually fakes getting nocked out by her, in order to get to the Viltumite prison and find Omni Man. In witch he does for Omni Mans help in Thaddeus plan against the Viltrumites.

So you can tell that there is a lot of stuff that is soon to happen. Including the preparation for Invincibles fight with Conquest. How it goes down with Allan breaking out Omni Man, and finally what happens between Invincible and Angstrom Levy.