Kung Fu Panda 4 Review: Starting New Trilogy?

Image source – https://tinyurl.com/dbhyyxsx

  • Kung Fu Panda 4 released in Cinemas 28th of March UK. I saw it the day it released, this will be my review. 

Jack Black as always bought back the lovable funny kicking but character ‘Po’ in Kung Fu Panda 4. Not even 10 minutes into he film and people were laughing their mouths out in the cinema. Po perfectly played his naturel comedy throughout the film, making it being my favourite part of the film. As well as the exiting story, development of characters and the exhilarating vibe that Kung Fu Panda always manages to bring.

Zhen- One aspect of the film that surprised me a lot was how Zhen turned out to be a criminal, only then to be found as working for the Chameleon. This last part, ‘working for the Chameleon’ was a very good twist and added that final peace of depth the movie needed. Character ‘Zhen’ is rumoured to assume the mantle of the dragon warrior. While it hasn’t been officially confirmed, speculations and hints suggest this possibility. This holds significant potential, especially in light of the rumoured upcoming new trilogy.

Before you get worried that Po may not be in the new movie, do not worry, Dream Works will never allow Po to not be in it. So with this said ‘new trilogy’, it begs the question what will it be about. As it has been already hinted a lot, it’s going to focus on Po and Zhen. Taking a look at Po being the role Master Shifu once was to him, especially in the first movie. 

Image source – https://tinyurl.com/4v65sb3w

Po’s Character and great Box Office

You’ll aslo be very glad to hear that Kung Fu Panda 4 has turned out to be a succes. With generally positive reviews, and a box office of $285 million. Very impressive due to the fact it released only a few weaks and days ago across the world.

And finally let’s talk about Po’s character. As always the AWSOME kicking but character Po bought laughter and smiles to viewers. It was so nice to see him return to this character full of positivity. Additionally, I loved how far Po’s come – with all his adventures, and teachings. Resulting in the character being very well developed throughout the whole Kung Fu Panda Trilogy. 

Overall the story was thrilling, the characters where great – overall a great presentation.