X-Men 97 episode 3 Breakdown: Mr Sinister Returns

Image source – https://tinyurl.com/n5x46u56

X-Men 97 Episode 3 dropped on Disney today. Here’s a breakdown and review. Similar to the previous episodes, it kept you engaged and dawn throughout. The intro showcased Morph encountering Mr Sinister, setting up events soon to come. It also highlighted the love triangle involving Magneto, Rouge, and Gambit. I thought this was a good addition, having Gambit conflict with it really brings you into that sense of him and Rouge. Also on what his perspective will be like towards Magneto in future episodes.

Explaining and going through the Plot

Episode 3 resumed from the end credits of episode 2. In those credits, Jean appealed to the X-Men for Help. This moment might have caused confusion, as we previously witnessed Jeans presence among episodes 1 and 2. Episode 3 revelled that Jean was, in fact, a creation of Mr Sinister named Madelyne Pryor.

This episode reveals that Mr Sinister will be the villain for the series. If anyone doesn’t know, Cyclops’s baby is the character Cable. In this episode they actually did the backstory of Cable’s birth in the comics. His backstory being Madelyne Pryor being the one who birthed him. It’s cool that their incorporating stuff from the comics, witch makes it more original. But, there are some changes they did. For instance in the comics Madelyne Pryor was just a person who looked like Jean Grey, not actually having her powers. So what the writers are doing is sort of changing and incorporating what originally happened in the comics.

 Image source – https://tinyurl.com/y2djfv5x

I particularly enjoyed the consistent dark tone throughout the episode. It was really interesting to see the change of the usual theme and tone. I also really like the scene were Mr Sinister was manipulating everyone’s perception of realty. I found it really good, as in each of the characters allusions it dove deeper into their character.

 If Mr Sinisters plan in the episode was not entirely clear to you, Essentially, it was to attempt to harness the power of the phoenix force by channelling it through baby Cable, in order to turn him into this immensely powerful mutant. By using a techno virus to adapt/evolve Cable into like I said a immensely powerful Mutant.

At the end of the episode, it featured Bishop going to the future with baby Cable to save Cables life.