Thor 5 Phase 6 – Before? after? when?: Lead up to big Avenger Movie in Phase 7?

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Thor 5 is unconfirmed, but Chris Hemsworth has had conversations with Marvel about a 5th movie in Thor’s current 4 film saga. 

If this movie takes place it’ll likely slot somewhere in late 2026 – ( Phase 6). However, there has in fact been talk of this heroes saga continuing in Phase 7. I’m going to explain one main reason why this may be a possibility. First, think back to my previous post titled “We may be getting something better than Eternals 2″.Here’s a quick reminder for those who can’t remember or haven’t read it.

For starters, MCU’s space/cosmic heroes forming their own team will rise over the events of the end credits to Eternals. That end credits being Areshem confronting 3 Eternals for stopping the emergence. With Eternals 2 potentially scrapped, speculation arises about the continuation through a cosmic hero team-up film. As suggested in one of my posts, this film could revolve around the Celestrials agenda to permit all Celestrial emergences. Possibly tying into Thor 5, where Thor learns about the Clestrials actions. Causing him to to team up with heroes like Star Lord. This is how Thor 5 sets up the film. Also, don’t forget about the Annihilus story, witch could be the theme throughout the film. (If you’re interested in learning more about the story, check out the post tiled “We may be getting something better than Eternals 2”.

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Entering Phase 7

Now your all caught up, if this movie does happen it will likely have to happen after Avengers Secret Wars. As we are already going to have two team up movies (I.e Avengers 5 and Avengers Secret Wars.) This idea seems more likely as like I said Eternals 2 seems not to happen. But, with this space hero team up idea, they can return in an even cooler way. Marvel also has Thor 5 to set up the film, not to mention they have two story’s Anhilius and Celestrals they can do. Additionally this idea is slowly starting to come probable. Not to mention this gives more of a reason for Thor 5 to hit the screen.