Image source – Thor 5 is unconfirmed, but Chris Hemsworth has had conversations with Marvel about a 5th movie in Thor’s current 4 film saga. If this movie takes place it’ll likely slot somewhere in late 2026 – ( Phase 6). However, there has in fact been talk of this heroes saga continuing in…Read more
Iron Fist and Luke Cage in the MCU – Finn Jones Teases Appearance
Pic 2 Image source – We’ve got an update regarding Iron Fist and Luke Cage joining the MCU. This has been a topic of discussion, especially following the canonization of Daredevil and Punisher. With a recent tease from Finn Jones, who portrays Iron Fist, the prospect of seeing Iron Fist and Luke Cage together…Read more
Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire – Breakdown, New Titans, Future Plans.
I’m sure there are a lot of questions for this movie, so I’ll try my best to answer them. For starters, will they make another movie? what will it be about etc. The directors had plans for a Godzilla and Kong Trilogy starting with Godzilla Vs Kong. Obviously we now know The New Empire is…Read more
Kung Fu Panda 4 Review: Starting New Trilogy?
Image source – Jack Black as always bought back the lovable funny kicking but character ‘Po’ in Kung Fu Panda 4. Not even 10 minutes into he film and people were laughing their mouths out in the cinema. Po perfectly played his naturel comedy throughout the film, making it being my favourite part of the…Read more
Invincible Season 2 Episode 7 Breakdown: Anissa’s Appearance and Invincible Vs Conquest Teaser
Image source – Invincible season 2 episode 7 dropped on Amazon today. Mainly picking up from the previous episode. It featured everyone dealing with their own stuff, for example Rex dealing with his near death. But, it mainly seed invincible struggling to be a good Boyfriend, college student all whilst trying to be a…Read more
X-Men 97 episode 3 Breakdown: Mr Sinister Returns
Image source – X-Men 97 Episode 3 dropped on Disney today. Here’s a breakdown and review. Similar to the previous episodes, it kept you engaged and dawn throughout. The intro showcased Morph encountering Mr Sinister, setting up events soon to come. It also highlighted the love triangle involving Magneto, Rouge, and Gambit. I thought…Read more
Child Of Reed Richards and Sue Storm – Franklin Richards is said to be in the MCU
Image source – Exciting news. Franklin Richards, one of Marvel Comics’ most powerful characters and the offspring of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, is set to debut in the MCU. His reality-warping abilities hint at a significant role in the franchise. According to insider CanWeGetSomeToast, Franklin will appear in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie….Read more
Captain America Brave New World get’s bad Test Screening reactions
Image source – We have a mix of news regarding “Captain America: Brave New World”. Recent reports from an online source called “Oh How I Marvel at Those Marvels” suggest negative developments. Unfortunately, the screen testing for the film received disappointing results. According to a thread they shared, audiences expressed dissatisfaction with both the…Read more
X-Men 97 episode 1 review and breakdown
Image source – Review and Breakdown The first episode definitely lived up to the love of the original series. Everything, every character was great. Bringing back the original intro music was the best part, and really gave me that original series vibe. The episode mainly featured the coping of how the X-men were dealing…Read more
X-Men 97 Quick Recap
Image source – Recapping the last episode of the original series. The final episode featured a never-ending riot of public mutant hate, with Charles Xavier attempting to explain the rights of mutants. Henry Gyritch exposes and seemingly kills Professor X, but he isn’t actually dead. Magneto amplifies his brain waves so Charles can send…Read more