Characters we may see in Avengers Secret Wars

pic1 Image source – pic2 We’ve heard many rumours and news that there will be tones of cameo’s in Avengers Secret Wars. This means it’ll be an even bigger Multiverse Movie. People are eagerly waiting to see what characters will show up. After recent reports we now characters that may be in the…Read more

New characters in the MCU will be cut down.

In my previous post about the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), I mentioned the possibility of new characters being introduced. However, recent developments have indicated that this may not be the case. This is because Marvel is facing criticism over the quality of their latest movies and Disney+ series. The issue seem to go from the…Read more

James Gunn’s Superman Legacy get’s title change

Image source – Yesterday James Gunn announced that he changed the title of his upcoming film Superman Legacy to just Superman. Some fans feel this may confuse people with the 1978 Christopher Reads Superman film, being the same name and all. Although people with the correct knowledge of the film would know it’s referred…Read more

Boomerang in MCU?, potential idea.

Although marvel is not focusing on introducing new characters at the moment and because there will be some new but they won’t get as much focus as the original characters, (I’ll explain more about this ln my next post). This doesn’t mean a new character can’t be introduced, as you can add in a new…Read more

Spiderman 4, Daredevil Born Again.

Image source – Spiderman 4 is in development, Tom Holland has mentioned that it is is in it’s early stages. There is a lot of conflict going on about the story between sonny and Marvel, Sonny wants it to be a big multiverse film while marvel wants it to be a street level grounded…Read more