Superman 2025 First look at new Scenes breakdown

  • Superman 2025 First look

The true kick off of James Gunn’s DCU is getting closer and closer, heading up to it’s release in 2025. Excitement buzzing more and more, lot’s of fans are eagerly awaiting to see what David Cornwest can bring to Clark Kent. The film was filming last week, where we had some set photos dropped. Revelling first look at characters, the biggest one includes hero Mr Terrific AKA Michael Holt. Sporting his comic classic fair play jacket. But, that’s not the biggest reveal, a new look at David Cornwests Superman suit has been revelled. Showing full body at different angels. (You can find these pictures on various websites, such as IGN or on social media). Image credit/source James Gunn

If you’ve seen these pictures you’d definitely notice that the suit looks different to the one in the picture above. The one in the picture above is probably the prototype an the new one is the final finishing touches suit. David Conrwest sports a suit much like the My Adventures with Superman suit. Joint with the new 52 Superman suit, with the long neck part of the suit. The suits cape also mirrors the all stars Superman. With the yellow logo on the back. The belt and trucks also mirrors Christopher Reeves Superman. Also notice this suit isn’t as textured as the original one. Making it have more of a home made tone. Witch makes sense, since that seems like the tone James Gunns going for.

Superman 2025 First look – First look at Daily Planet Characters and T-Sphere ship

We also got our first look at Lois Lane wearing the purple top from various comics and DCAU franchises. Along with Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, Kat Grant, Steve Lumbard, and Ron Troup. They’re all exiting Mr Terrifics T-Spehere ship being saved by him. So there’s obviously some sort of attack that’s happening. Witch we can also tell by the wreckage in the set photos. Suggesting Superman has just come out of a big fight. Also notice in one of the photos we see Kat Grant and Lex Luthor trucks. The other easter eggs we see are news papers of Superman’s saves. We also see street names named after various comic book creators. Such as Mark Waid, Grant Morrisson and Jim Lee. Another post is coming, breaking down another set photo. Bigger than the one’s I’ve gone over. Superman 2025 First look