X-Men 97 Episode 6 Apocalypse returns – Hints to his return

X-Men 97 Episode 6 Apocalypse returns.

Yesterday, Disney released X-Men 97 Episode 6, revealing that Mr. Sinister orchestrated the Genosha attack. However, judging by Apocalypse’s appearances in the two intros, it seems the show is increasingly suggesting his return. The intro repeated a scene from the previous one, showing Cable engaged in combat with Apocalypse. This hints at Cable’s return and his potential role in saving Genosha, as well as Apocalypse’s return. With multiple teases of Apocalypse’s return, it’s possible that he will remerge, possibly in league with Mr. Sinister. This suggests he is the larger villain lurking in the background, waiting to be revealed at the right moment. Given Cable’s involvement in the intro, he may be the one to alert the X-Men to Apocalypse’s return or drop a significant hint about it.

Image source – https://tinyurl.com/3fm429sa

Episode 7, is titled Bright eyes, along with that we got a look at the synopsis. Synopsis – Titled “Bright Eyes”, the forthcoming episode see’s Cyclops directing the X-Men’s efforts towards locating Bolivar Trask. However, upon finding the Sentinel inventor, they discover they’ve fallen into a mastermind’s trap. “Mastermind”, possibly hinting at Apocalypse along with Mr Sinister. However, if they choose to not introduce Apocalypse this early, they could just lead you to Mr Sinister being the Mastermind. Then maybe reveal it’s actually Apocalypse in a bigger turn of events.  – X-Men 97 Episode 6 Apocalypse returns.

Image source – https://tinyurl.com/5kn6yfps

X-Men 97 Apocalypse returns: Episode Synopsis

Back to the beginning of the synopsis, titled “Bright Eyes”, this is actually hinting at Gambits and Magneto’s return. As the title is a reference to a line Rouge said in the original animated series. She said to Cable “remember me bright eyes”. Notice she say’s remember, witch links to Gambit saying “remember it” in Episode 5 being his last words before killing the Mega Sentinel. Both of these things are tiles of Episodes, with Rouges part being “Bright Eyes” and Gambit’s being “Remember it”. All hinting at Cable saving everyone on Genosha.

We also received a teaser for Age of Apocalypse, featuring Nimrod standing in front of the Master Sentinel in the intro. For those unfamiliar, Nimrod is a virtually indestructible descendant of a Sentinel. The intro depicts Storm, Wolverine, and Bishop from the Age of Apocalypse storyline battling Nimrod, hinting at the emergence of the storyline and Apocalypse’s return. Another potential return for Apocalypse’s return is through the Gambit resurrection storyline, which, as mentioned previously, has occurred in the comic books. While this took place in an alternate world, the show has previously altered certain comic elements. Apocalypse’s potential return in this scenario stems from his involvement in the comic storyline where Gambit is resurrected. X-Men 97 Episode 6 Apocalypse returns