X-Men 97 Episode 9 Breakdown: Plot/Story explained

  • X-Men 97 Episode 9 dropped on Disney + today, heading to the final part of “Tolerance is Extinction” in Episode 10. The mind blowing awesome intensity of this episode made it the most electrifyingly brilliant episode yet. Drawing you in with massive WTF moments and an awesome X-Men Civil War. – Image source – https://tinyurl.com/y892upuy

Taking a massive part form the Marvel Fatal attractions Comic books, it featured a jaw dropping moment much like Gambits death. – Magneto’s brutal attack against Wolverine. This very moment arises from the Fatal Attractions storyline. Notably, the entire episode reflects themes from that storyline, such as some X-Men siding with Magneto. However, in the Fatal attractions storyline this action was taken a ploy to worm one ways into Magnetos inner circle.

Since the Fatal Attractions storyline has appeared in various previous episodes, incorporating this ruse on Magneto is a possibility. If this ends up being the case with Rouge and Sun Spot, then that’ll be a cool twist. But, seeming’s as Roberto is new to the team, it seems unlikely he’d be part of a ruse. And it’s more likely to be an original member , but there are some twists here that set it apart from the comic book version. Suggesting this may not be the case with why Rouge and Sun Spot are siding with Magneto.

X-Men 97 Episode 9: All a Part Of Bastions Plan?

The awesome X-Men civil War outbreak could be part of Bastions crude plan to create Onslaught. The sheer intensity of this battle provoked anger from Magneto. Along with grief and lust of the tragic Genosha attack and ever going Mutant hate. The only thing left to create Onslaught is for this to enter Charles’s mind. Creating the all powerful Onslaught, a weapon of destruction. This could be what Bastion is planning and has been planning all along. Obviously this is may not be the case, But, it a very cool speculation and a very good story for the series to do.

Returning to that intense moment at the episode’s end, when Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton is brutally ripped out of him. He survived this in the Fatal Attractions storyline, so he’ll likely pull through this one too. And they probably won’t kill off Wolverine, especially since Gambit is already dead. Shifting focus to the Jean vs. Mind-controlled Cable fight, it appears she died. But don’t count her out just yet; she could return with the Phoenix Force. That’s her best shot at survival. As she’s made comebacks countless times in the comics after all. X-Men 97 Episode 9