X-Men 97 Season 2 set up’s: Apocalypse finding Kangs Tech

  • X-Men 97 Season 2

X-Men 97 season final has sparked ongoing speculations about season 2, mainly focusing on the Age of Apocalypse. Episode 10 ended with a significant emphasis on Apocalypse, highlighting past and present events and hinting at future developments. Season 2 will likely revolve around the X-Men preventing the future ruled by Apocalypse. – Image credit Marvel

X-Men 97 Season 2: Apocalypse finding Kangs tech in the past

The X-Men travel back in time and encounter En Saba Nur, AKA Apocalypse. In the comics, En Saba Nur discovers Kang’s technology, which helps him become Apocalypse. The X-Men face a crucial decision, should they help or stop him? Here’s why it’s interesting, during this time period, Egypt is ruled by Rama-Tut, who is actually Kang. En Saba Nur might ask the X-Men to help him overthrow Kang. In the comics, this leads to En Saba Nur finding Kang’s tech. Although the show’s current storyline differs from the comics, they can still incorporate this key part of Apocalypse’s origin. The show has a history of tweaking comic book elements, so this wouldn’t be a stretch.

It would be cool to see the show explore this path for Apocalypse and introduce Kang into the mix. Kang has some very interesting story’s that ark into others, and It’d be awesome to see if X-Men 97 goes with that. On the other hand introducing Kang could reach into very big stories that the show will have to cram if they want to do Apocalypse as well. Then again the show could just as easily go down the road of Kang being not as big a focus in their current story.

What Happened to Wolverine Morph and Storm?

All X-Men where scattered across time, expect from 3 members, Wolverine, Morph and Storm. Apocalypse could of pulled them out, and made them his Horseman, teasing his return in season 2 with his 4 Horseman. This has happened in the comics and actually in the live action fox X-Men movies, where Apocalypse turns storm in his Famine. This would mean, if gambit returns as the Horseman of death, Apocalypses 4 horseman would be complete and ready for their rath in season 2.

I think this would be an awesome thing to do. However, creator Beu De Mayo very recently stated on twitter that those characters are in one of the two timelines. But, don’t loose hope for this just yet, because if they’re in the future ruled by Apocalypse, this can happen.
