MCU’S World War Hulk, Will Be An Avengers Movie, Big News, Details and Plot.
Read more: MCU’S World War Hulk, Will Be An Avengers Movie, Big News, Details and Plot.Image source – https://tinyurl.com/tnn4a9um We have some news on a Word War Hulk movie in the MCU, however it won’t be a Solo movie. This comes in surprising as we originally thought it would be a solo movie. According to the insider KC Walsh It’s actually going to be an Avengers Movie. Much like Captain…Read…
Marvel Studios New X-Men, Cool News!
Read more: Marvel Studios New X-Men, Cool News!Image source – https://tinyurl.com/bdhv482j New update on MCU’s X-Men movie, including the villain and its place in the movie timeline. It seems that we’ll have an introduction to at least a few X-Men characters before Avengers 5 and Secret Wars. Meaning we may not get a movie before, but we may see X-Men characters appear….Read…
Teen Titans Getting their first live action Movie! In James Gunns new DC Universe
Read more: Teen Titans Getting their first live action Movie! In James Gunns new DC UniverseImage source – https://tinyurl.com/5hxx8mbs According to the Hollywood Reporter, James Gunn is having the lovable Teen Titans in his new DC universe. According to the Hollywood Reporter, It will be a live action Movie! This is very exiting as we’ve never seen this Team in a Live action Movie. We’ve only ever seen Animated Teen…Read…
We May Be Getting something better than Eternals 2
Read more: We May Be Getting something better than Eternals 2Pic 1 Image source – https://tinyurl.com/2p9tytdw Pic 2 Image source – https://tinyurl.com/tptnhjad We’ve had some very exiting news going of from last posts sub topic on Eternals 2. As you all you know that sequel has sadly been cancelled. But, hold on to your shoes because we might be getting something better. For starters, Marvel…Read…
Captain Marvel 2, Ant Man 4 and Eternals 2 cancelled
Read more: Captain Marvel 2, Ant Man 4 and Eternals 2 cancelledPic 1 Image source – https://tinyurl.com/2kzs94su Pic 2 Image source https://tinyurl.com/ycem2fw4 As you may recall, I recently shared news about Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney, deciding to reduce the number of movies produced by Marvel Studios. Now, we have updates on some of those movies, which are not surprising to most people. Firstly, it…Read…
Shang 2, Iron Fist Appearance
Read more: Shang 2, Iron Fist AppearanceImage source – https://tinyurl.com/yvzr7c6t We have some news on Iron fist in Shang Chi 2, so far we know that Marvel are planning on introducing a Iron Fist in the Eyes of Wakanda series. The Eyes of Wakanda is a series Marvel is planning on making, which’ll be based on the ancient times of Wakanda….Read…
Creator of the X-Men 97 Continuation reboot fired from Marvel
Read more: Creator of the X-Men 97 Continuation reboot fired from MarvelPic 1 Image source – https://tinyurl.com/53z2y864 Pic 2 Image source –https://tinyurl.com/3zpbxj2p Beau DeMayo is the creator of the reboot of the X-Men 97 Animated show. According to the Hollywood Reporter, he was fired just days before it’s debut on March 20th. If you are unfamiliar with him he wrote Moon knight season 1 and the…Read…
Spiderman 4 Announcement
Read more: Spiderman 4 AnnouncementWe have some big news on Spiderman 4, including a middle ground that Sony and Marvel has finally made. Sony started with wanting Spiderman 4 to be a big multiverse movie and Marvel want it to be a more grounded film. We now know after recent reports form insiders, it seems they’ve both come to…Read…
Captain America 4, major changes announcement
Read more: Captain America 4, major changes announcementImage source –https://tinyurl.com/yf9372sx There’s news on Captain America Brave New World. There will be major changes to the film, including re-shoots, character removal, and plot changes. Footage of deleted scenes reveals two members of the Serpent Society, who were originally going to be sub antagonists in the movie. Recent reports indicate that those two members…Read…
Shang Chi 2 Announcement
Read more: Shang Chi 2 AnnouncementImage source – https://tinyurl.com/yjkdk626 We’ve had some recent news about Shang Chi 2, including it’s potential release date teasers and writer. This film was highly anticipated after the end credits for the first film, witch featured Wong analysing the 10 rings along with Captain Marvel and Bruce Banner. Both of witch had little knowledge of…Read…
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